Blog filter by Early Intervention

Simple tips to encourage language and development in the home

Simple tips to encourage language and development in the home

Sometimes, it is difficult to know if you are doing the right thing for teaching language and promoting development in the home. Luckily, there are lots of things we can do to support language and development through our everyday interactions...
Benefits of Social Skills groups

Benefits of Social Skills groups

Social Skills Groups have many benefits for children with Autism. According to the DSM-5, a defining feature of autism is deficits in social communication and interaction. Many children with Autism may find aspects of socialising difficult for example interacting with...
Tips for Toilet Training Success

Tips for Toilet Training Success

We are very regularly contacted by parents who are getting ready to begin toilet training or may have started but are experiencing some issues. Recently, we dedicated one of our newsletters (which you can sign up to here) to toilet...
Communication Temptations

Communication Temptations

Communication temptations are tasks that encourage children to communicate their needs by telling you what they want. Rather than always responding to questions or requests to talk, communication temptations focus on the child being the initiator of communication. This is...
Using Visual Supports

Using Visual Supports

This month, we are going to be talking about visual supports. Lots of kids often learn best using visual supports rather than through auditory input. Seeing it, rather than saying it, helps the person retain and process information. Before we...
Tips for IEP Creation

Tips for IEP Creation

An Individual Education Plan (IEP) is a plan that is designed to support learning and development for your students. It should be developed collaboratively with parents and key members of staff that support the student. When developing the IEP, keep...
Asking Questions

Asking Questions

Asking questions is part of maintaining a conversation. It shows the other person that you are listening and interested in what they are saying. With younger children we initially focus on developing a requesting, labelling and filling in the blanks...
Positive Bedtime Routines

Positive Bedtime Routines

Does your child have difficulty falling asleep? Do you have to stay with your child each night until they fall asleep? Do you sleep with your child or does your child sleep with you each night? If these are things...
Reasons Visuals Will Not Prevent Your Child Using Language

Reasons Visuals Will Not Prevent Your Child Using Language

Before we begin, let’s talk about ourselves and how often we use visual supports before we talk about the benefits of them for kids. Can anyone imagine going into a day without your phone, diary, to do lists, maps when...
A Toilet Training Story

A Toilet Training Story

This month we are looking at toilet training, we have supported many children and their parents through toilet training. Our approach to toilet training is systematic, but effective. This approach eliminates the guesswork surrounding toilet training such as when to...